Support Us

Want to be involved?  There are many ways you can help!

Donate gear

IMG_9604.JPGIn order to maintain GALS as free to all participants, we rely upon gear donations to provide participants with backpacking essentials for the 2 weeks.  In particular, we are looking for new or lightly used: Hiking boots, synthetic shorts, synthetic t-shirts, wool socks, long underwear pants, long underwear shirts, fleece/synthetic jackets, 1 L water bottles, headllamps, whistles, rain jackets, rain pants, hiking pants, compression sacks, sandals/tevas/chacos/crocs.  If you have gear to donate to GALS NC, you can e-mail us to arrange for us to pick-up the items from you.

IMG_9531.JPGBecome a GALS Partner Institution

If you are a scientist and interested in organizing a 2-week GALS program at your own institution, we are here to help you!  We can provide you with a playbook that includes a to-do calendar, logistical information, curriculum, and lesson plans.  You can use these as a framework and then customize the program to fit your specialty and interest.  GALS is excited about expanding into other states and reaching a larger network of girls.  If interested, send us an e-mail with your institution name, a short summary about yourself, and why you’re interested in GALS!

Help develop GALS lesson plans.IMG_0203.JPG

Our curriculum includes teachable moments on topics including ecology, geology, biology, chemistry, environmental justice, environmental policy, environmental policy, and sense of place.  If you are interested in being involved in GALS curriculum development, we would love to have your input. Send us an e-mail with a short summary of yourself and why you’re interested in helping with GALS lesson plans.

Spread the word!

Share the link to this website, like us on Facebook, or follow us on Instagram.

Encourage high school students who you think would be interested to apply.

Have another idea of how you can be involved?  We’d love to hear it! Email