Our Program


This program consists of scientific lessons, hands-on environmental investigation and experimentation, and small group activities and discussions – all while backpacking through the beautiful wilderness.  In addition to scientific content, you will participate in discussions on a range of related topics, including environmentalism, social justice, and sustainability, and you will have opportunities for personal reflection, journal keeping, and art.  You are encouraged to push yourself outside your comfort zone and to try new activities, while simultaneously gaining self-awareness and self-confidence.

While the entire team consists of 8 students, we will often break into smaller groups for scientific investigations, reflection activities, and leadership development. Most of the day, we will be hiking and doing science activities with limited downtime. There is flexible time each day for working on independent journals, playing games, and engaging in other fun activities.

The 2024 NC GALS West overnight camping and backpacking trip dates will be announced soon! Student applications will open soon for 2024!

Still have questions? See here for the FAQ page!